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146th Session (2019-2020)
President Dr Peter Carpenter

Psychiatrist and Special Visitor
The president for the 2019-2020 Session was first president of the Society in its CIO format.
The programme was radically curtailed by COVID19. However we experimented with online talks.
Mr Feras Naaisa handing over to Dr Peter Carpenter

Wednesday 9th October 2019 - Annual General Meeting
“Mental Capacity and abuse of power”
Presidential Address: Dr Peter Carpenter
Held at Engineers House
Wednesday 13th November 2019 - The Long Fox Memorial Lecture
“Designing health care for the people who need it”
Professor Chris Salisbury MB ChB MSc MD FRCGP. Primary Health Care, Univ. Bristol
Held at Engineers House
Tuesday 17th December 2019 at 12.30pm
“Setting up an acute and general medicine service that is fit for purpose”
Professor Mark Pietroni - Professor Public Health
Held at UBHT Education Centre, Upper Maudlin Street, Bristol, BS2 8AE
Wednesday 8th January 2020
“Science, fake news and the medical profession”
Stephan Lewandowsky Professor in Cognitive Psychology, University Bristol
Held at Engineers House
Wednesday 12th February 2020
“To Vape or not to Vape? – E-cigarettes under the spotlight”
Dr Nabil Jarad PhD FRCP Consultant Respiratory Physician
Replacement talk at short notice. Held at Engineers House.
Wednesday 11th March 2020
Talk by Professor Wendy Burn FRCPsych, President Royal College Psychiatrists was cancelled on the day due to the Speaker having to self isolate after attending gathering in London.
Wed 8th July 2020 - webinar
“Challenges facing physicians in 2020 and in the future"
Professor Andrew Goddard MD President Royal College Physicians
Recording on:
Sat 22 August 2020 webinar
“Anti-inflammatory Agents in the Management of COVID-19. Patients: An Evidence-based Approach"
Dr Mazen Kherallah, Critical Care and Infectious Disease Consultant at Sanford Health System in Fargo, and University of North Dakota - USA
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