The Bristol Medico Historical Society
About the society
This organisation, named the Bristol Medico-Historical Society was set up in 1986 by Prof John Clamp and Mr Michael Wilson, is dedicated to the research and discussion of all aspects of medical history. The society has a particular interest with history related to Bristol and the West of England.
It first met four times a year on a Monday evening, with members expected to present short papers – these were published in the Proceedings, and more recently in the West of England Medical Journal.
Due to dwindling membership and difficulties sustaining an evening meeting with the aging membership, it was decided to close the society to regular meetings in 2022. However we have occasional Saturday meetings that are advertised through the Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Society. The meetings are open to all but there may be a charge for refreshments. We try to have these meetings in the Create Centre when the Bristol Archives Office is open and when it is not likely to be needed for local elections.
Eight volumes of the proceedings have been published and are still available from bristolmedhist@gmail.com