Mr Naaisa is a consultant gynaecologist in one of Bristol's two gynaecology departments, the Cotwolds Centre, within Southmead Hospital (part of North Bristol Trust). As you might expect there is a gynaecological twist to the programme he presents for this 145th Session of the Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Society.
Dr. Monika Blackwell and Mr. Feras Naaisa
October 10th 2018
Annual General Meeting
Presidential Address Mr Feras Naaisa
“The abnormally invasive placenta”
November 14th 2018
Dr Pawan Rajpal,
MBBS, DPM, MRCPysch, Post Grad Dip. (Mental Health Law)
Consultant Psychiatrist
“Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing”
December 12th 2018
Professor Stafford Lightman,
Professor of Medicine
“From the Mato Grosso to the glucocorticoid receptor – Dance and oscillations”
January 9th 2019
Professor Adam Finn,
B.M., B.Ch.(Oxon), M.A. (Cantab), Ph.D. (Lond), FRCPCH
Professor of Paediatrics
“Influenza and other Vaccinations – The State of the Art”
February 13th 2019
Jointly with the GP Society.
Professor Gianni Angelini,
M.D. (Sienna), M.Ch. (Wales), FRCS (Glas), FETCS
BHF Professor of Cardiac Surgery
“Academic cardiac surgery the long winding road”
President Naaisa with Prof Angelini
March 13th 2019
The Long Fox Memorial Lecture
Professor David Nutt
DM, FRCP, FRCPsych, FMedSci, DLaws
“How revising the drug laws would lead to a revolution in brain medicine”
Prof Nutt in his laboratory
April 10th 2019
Dr Niall Moore
Consultant Psychiatrist AWP NHS Mental Health Trust
“Adventure in Albania trafficking hope”
May 8th 2019
Professor John Collinge
Professor of Neurology
“Transmissible dementia – from kuru to CJD and BSE and the wider relevance of prions”
June 12th 2019
Dr Randa Alshakh and Dr Ramesh Moottoo
The Rheumatology Department Gloucestershire Royal Hospital
“Myalgic syndrome of aged – the clue is in the name!”
July 10th 2019
Summer party at Engineers House
with music from Dr Jazz and magician.