2014 - 2015 141st Session

President Professor Davinder Sandhu.

The  141st session was particularly exciting under the watchful eye of the president Professor Davinder Sandhu. Davinder has now moved to Bahrain where he has taken the post of Head of the School of Postgraduate Studies and Research, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Bahrain.

Wednesday 8th October 2014

Annual General Meeting 

Presidential Address

Professor Davinder Sandhu MD. FRCS Ed. Urol. FRCS (Eng.&Glas.) FRCPE(Ed.). FDS. FRCGP(Hon.)

Professor of Medical Education.  University of Bristol.  

Educational leadership - The power to develop and problem solve

Wednesday 12th November 2014

Long Fox Lecture

Professor Dame Carol Black FRCP FMedSci.  Principal of Newnham College Cambridge.  Past-President of the Royal College of Physicians, the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, and the British Lung Foundation.  

Professional attitudes to Health, Work and Well-being: help or hindrance?

Wednesday 10th December 2014

Dr Trevor Thompson - GP and Reader in Health Care Education.  University of Bristol.  

Sustainable Healthcare: Medicine for People and Planet.

Wednesday 14th January 2015

Professor Gareth Williams.  Professor of Medicine.  Former Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Bristol.

“Paralysed with Fear: the story of polio”

Wednesday 11th February 2015

Dr Ramesh Mehta, Consultant Paediatrician and President BAPIO.

“Trials and tribulations of an Indian doctor in the UK?”  Jointly with BAPIO.

Wednesday 11th March 2015

Sir Ian Carruthers OBE.  

Chancellor  of the University of the West of England and former Acting Chief Executive of the NHS.

Running and Challenging the NHS.

Wednesday 8th April 2015

Baroness Julia Cumberlege CBE DL.  Medical Educator, Former Health Minister and Trustee of  Cancer Research UK and senior associate  of The Kings Fund.

“Trust me - I am not a Doctor” - “Professionals, Politicians and Practice.”

Wednesday 13th May 2015

Professor Jonathan Sandy.  Professor in Orthodontics and Interim Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Bristol.

“One born every three minutes………”

Wednesday 10th June 2015 

Professor Sir John Temple.  Chairman of the Research and Development Council of the Healing Foundation.  Author of the Temple Report on Surgical Training and former President of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.

“Sensible (EWTR) hours and surgical training - what is the problem?”

Wednesday 8th July 2015

Med-Chi Summer Party.  Spire Hospital Bristol.